
Cork County Council’s Cobh Library has acquired a rare and historically significant Ordnance Survey of Ireland map of the Lower Harbour of Cork, generously donated by Diarmuid Kilcullen the grandson of Cobh barrister Francis J Healy. Pictured at the event (L/R): Breda McCarthy, Julie O’Donnell (Cork County Library & Arts Service), Diarmuid Kilcullen, Cllr. Sinéad Sheppard (Deputising for the Mayor of the County of Cork), Toddy Stafford (President, Cobh and Harbour Chamber) and Elizabeth Forrest.
09 Dec 2024

Cobh Library Receives Historic Map of Cork Harbour

Cork County Council’s Cobh Library has acquired a rare and historically significant Ordnance Survey of Ireland map of the Lower Harbour of Cork, generously donated by Diarmuid Kilcullen the grandson of Cobh barrister Francis J Healy.  The map, which is based on the Ordnance Survey of 1897, showcases Cobh town, the surrounding areas and Haulbowline Island. The map offers a unique glimpse into the strategic importance of the Lower Harbour over a century ago.

Patricia Liddy, Director of Service, Municipal District Operations & Rural Development; Cork County Council; Joan Kearney, Librarian, Leabharlann Oileán Chléire; Emer O’Brien, Cork County Librarian; Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Joe Carroll; Moira Murrell, Chief Executive of Cork County Council and Ruairi O’Donovan, Údarás na Gaeltachta pictured at the ribbon cutting at Leabharlann Oileán Chléire .
16 Oct 2024

Athoscailt Oifigiúil Leabharlann Oileán Chléire á Ceiliúradh

Tá Leabharlann Oileán Chléire athoscailte go hoifigiúil ag Méara Chontae Chorcaí, an Clr Joe Carroll agus Príomhfheidhmeannach Chomhairle Contae Chorcaí, Moira Murrell. Bhí ról lárnach ag an leabharlann i saol an oileáin le blianta fada, ó bunaíodh den chéad uair i 1978 í sa Halla Glas, an tInbhear. 

Patricia Liddy, Director of Service, Municipal District Operations & Rural Development; Cork County Council; Joan Kearney, Librarian, Leabharlann Oileán Chléire; Emer O’Brien, Cork County Librarian; Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Joe Carroll; Moira Murrell, Chief Executive of Cork County Council and Ruairi O’Donovan, Údarás na Gaeltachta pictured at the ribbon cutting at Leabharlann Oileán Chléire .
16 Oct 2024

Leabharlann Oileán Chléire Celebrates Official Reopening

Leabharlann Oileán Chléire has been officially reopened by Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Joe Carroll and Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Moira Murrell. The library, originally founded in 1978 in The Halla Glas, South Harbour, has played a pivotal role in island life for decades. 

Cork County Council is delighted to announce the launch of a new book on the history of Bantry Library to coincide with the building’s 50th anniversary. Bantry Library first opened to the public in 1974 and is of considerable historical significance from a town and architectural perspective.
15 May 2024

Bantry Library Marks 50th Anniversary with Book Launch

Cork County Council is delighted to announce the launch of a new book on the history of Bantry Library to coincide with the building’s 50th anniversary. Bantry Library first opened to the public in 1974 and is of considerable historical significance from a town and architectural perspective.