Governance and Administration

How your Council Works

What is Your County Council?

Cork County Council is the second largest Local Authority in the Republic of Ireland and the largest based on geographic area size. The Council has an annual revenue budget of €518m and services a population of 332,255 people, or 117,742 households. Current staff numbers total 2,000 WTE approximately.

The County Council has a designated membership of 55 Councillors who are elected to the Council every five years. The primary purpose of the Elected Members is to develop and implement policy for the range of services delivered. In conducting its business, the Council meets twice a month as a full Council and is split into three Divisional Committees; North, South, and West, each of whom meets monthly.

There is a range of additional working committees to deal with specific business areas and the Council is supported in its policy-making role by eight Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) made up of members of the Council and external representative bodies. The work of the SPCs is coordinated by the Corporate Policy Group.

Joint Policing Committees

Joint Policing Committees (JPCs) aim to develop greater consultation and co-operation on policing and crime issues between An Garda Síochána, Local Authorities, Elected Members, and the community and voluntary sectors.

There is a JPC in every Local Authority area.

Click the following link for more information on the Cork County Joint Policing Committee.

Additional information can be found on the Department of Justice and Equality's website.

What does Your Council do?

The Council delivers a broad and diverse range of services, including:

Frontline services are delivered across eight Municipal Districts, and are designed to benefit businesses, residents, and visitors alike.

Where is Your Council located?

Cork County Council is headquartered at County Hall, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, and is supported by a network of Divisional Offices, Municipal Districts, and Area Offices around the county.

Select a highlighted area in the map below to view the Municipal District and their associated Elected Members.

Click the following link to view Cork County Council Municipal Districts and their associated Elected Members in a new window.

Municipal Districts were created as part of the Local Government Reform Act 2014, and there are eight in County Cork.

The Municipal Districts elect a Cathaoirleach & Leas Cathaoirleach annually, adopt standing orders to regulate the conduct of meetings, adopt schedules of Municipal District works, have authority to perform reserved functions, monitor the implementation of programmes of work, receive deputations, meet agencies and other bodies, raise, discuss, and decide on local matters relevant to the Municipal District.

Services provided by the 8 Municipal Districts in County Cork include the following:

  • Parking Control
  • Management of Public Cemeteries
  • Derelict Sites & Dangerous Structures 
  • Amenity Grants
  • Community Contracts
  • Capital Grants
  • Management of Beaches
  • Licencing of Caravan & Camping Parks
  • Abandoned Cars
  • Parks and Open Spaces.
  • Management of Playgrounds