Governance and Administration

Ethics and Governance

Our Vision

“A county that is prosperous, caring and proud, where the wellbeing of citizens and communities is at the core of everything we do and where our natural resources are respected and valued”

Cork County Councils Commitment to Citizens (pdf)

“to promote excellence in service provision which is responsive to the needs and expectations of our citizens”

Cork County Council Customer Service Strategy (pdf)

The 31 City and County Councils provide a wide range of services throughout Ireland. These services can affect your daily life and include housing, transport, planning, libraries, amenities, environmental management, fire and emergency services, infrastructure, community and economic development. The provision of these services is discussed by elected councillors at monthly meetings of the City or County Council. These meetings are open to the public.

Click the following link for a full report on the NOAC Local Authority Performance Indicators.

Cork County Council's performance indicators infographics listed below:

Cork County Council Performance Indicators Infographic 2015 (pdf)

Protected Disclosures Act 2014

Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 requires the publication of a report each year relating to the number of protected disclosures made in the preceding year and also for the publication of information with regard to any actions taken in response to protected disclosures made.

Protected Disclosures Act 2014

Interim Protected Disclosures Policy (pdf)

Protected Disclosures Policy Annual Report 2016 (pdf)

Protected Disclosures Policy Annual Report 2017 (pdf)

Protected Disclosures Policy Annual Report 2018 (pdf)

Protected Disclosures Policy Annual Report 2019 (pdf)

Protected Disclosures Policy Annual Report 2020 (pdf)

Local Government Audit Service provides independent scrutiny of the financial stewardship of local authorities and other local bodies.

Their role is to:

  • carry out the audit of local government bodies in accordance with the statutory Code of Audit Practice, thereby fostering the highest standards of financial stewardship and public accountability.
  • undertake Value for Money audits, publish the resulting reports and thereby assist local authorities in achieving better value for money.

Cork County Council - Audit Report 2020

Cork County Council - Audit Report 2019

Cork County Council - Audit Report 2018

Cork County Council - Audit Report 2017

Cork County Council - Audit Report 2016


See the following link for Cork County Councils Risk Management Policy (pdf).

Part 15 of the Local Government Act 2001, Section 171 obliges elected members and certain staff grades of the Council to prepare and furnish to the ethics registrar an annual written declaration containing particulars of their “declarable interests” within the meaning of Section 175 of the Act.  

As a general rule, this framework provides that it is the duty of every local authority councillor and employee to maintain proper standards of integrity, conduct and concern for the public interest. The prescribed annual declaration form sets out the list of “declarable interests” required by the Act.  As a general guide, they include holdings of land or other property, shareholdings, directorships and any business contracts with a local authority. Under the Act, elected members and relevant employees are required to disclose detail about matters e.g. planning and development, that may arise on occasion and in which they have a beneficial interest.

Completed forms must be submitted annually no later than the last day of February and failure to do so is an offence under the Act. These records are available for viewing by any member of the public at the Cork County Council’s Headquarters, County Hall, Cork by contacting

Document Summary