Cork County Council’s Library and Arts Services launches Bealtaine Celebrations.

Cork County Council’s Library and Arts Services is marking Bealtaine this Month with an extensive range of creative activities to commemorate the festival that celebrates arts and creativity as we age. Taking place across the entire month of May, the Bealtine festival provides opportunities for all older people to meaningfully take part in and express their creativity and be represented by their work to highlight how our creative potential can grow as we age. 

Bealtaine Schedule: Activity:


Friday 10th – 31st May

The Road Less

Travelled: exhibition by Anna Groniecka

Opening: 6pm 7pm then Mon – Fri 9am –


LHQ, CorkCounty Hall.
Saturday 11th May Eleanor O’Kelly-Lynch Creative Writing 2.30pm – 4pm Fermoy Library
Tuesday 14th May Down MemoryLane Concert 11am- 12pm Mallow Library
Tuesday 14th May Down MemoryLane Concert 2.30 – 3.30pm Fermoy Library
Thursday 16th & 23rdMay

Paddy O’Brien: Men’s

Storytelling Group-

11am – 12pm Dunmanway Library
Thursday 16th May

Siobhán O’Connor: Art

& collage workshop

11am – 1pm Kanturk Library
Friday 17th May Shannon Forde 2pm – 3.30pm Carrigaline Library
Friday 17th May Amanda Wright: Macramé Art 11am – 12.30pm Millstreet Library
Friday 17th May

Cormac O’Connor: the

Art of Living film screening

1pm – 2.30pm

MISA, St. James’

Hospital, Dublin 8.

Wednesday 22nd May Ann Lambe: Paper Art 4pm – 5.30pm Mitchelstown Library
Thursday 23rd May Eleanor O’Kelly-Lynch: Creative Writing 11am – 12.30pm Kinsale Library
Thursday 23rd May

Melissa Shiels: Regency

Dance classfor beginners

11am – 12pm Bandon Library
Thursday 30th May Melissa Shiels:Regency Dance class for beginners 12pm – 1pm Cobh Library
Friday 31st May Shannon Forde 11am – 1pm Passage WestLibrary