
The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn pictured with students, teachers, councilors and local volunteers at the launch of the Harper’s Island Wetlands activity workbooks, a special publication written and designed by renowned local author and educator Jim Wilson.
19 Jun 2024

Harper’s Island Wetlands Activity Books Launched

The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn has launched the Harper’s Island Wetlands Activity Books, a special publication series written and designed by renowned local author and educator Jim Wilson.

A man and a group of children standing beside jenga blocks
17 May 2024

69 Cork County Schools Receive Green Flag Award

69 schools from Cork County have been awarded Green Flags as part of An Taisce’s Green Schools Programme. The primary and secondary schools were celebrated for their achievements under themes of litter and waste, biodiversity, energy, global citizenship and the marine environment amongst others. 

A green reusable metal water bottle, a red reusable metal water bottle and a red resuable coffee mug all with the Cork County logo placed on a sports pitch with the 'Circular Economy Fund' logo placed in front of them.
09 Apr 2024

Cork County Council Announces Circular Economy Fund to Combat Single Use Plastics

Cork County Council has launched a new Circular Economy Fund with the aim of empowering local action to drive a more circular economy. The fund aims to support communities to move away from the traditional linear ‘take-make-use-dispose’ model towards more circular living where resources are reused or recycled, reducing wastage. 

Loraine Lynch, Divisional Manager, Cork County Council; Cllr. Frank O'Flynn, Mayor of the County of Cork and Louis Duffy, Director of Services for Environment, Cork County Council attending the launch of the Cork County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029.
28 Feb 2024

Cork County Council Launches First Climate Action Plan

Cork County Council has launched its first Climate Action Plan (2024-2029) which aims to support the transition to a low carbon and climate resilient county. The plan includes actions and projects which support the local authority in reducing its direct carbon emissions by 51% by 2030 in line with national emissions targets. 

Let's Clear the Air poster. A pidgeon standing on a roof. Text: Choosing low smoke fuel is better for all of us. Burning smoky fuels releases invisible toxins that damage our health. It increases air pollution, which can trigger asthma and lead to serious illness. So make sure you only use low smoke fuels. And remember to clean and maintain chimneys and heating appliances at least once a year. Find out more at
06 Feb 2024

Cork County Council Reminds Householders to Consider Air Quality and Use Only Approved Fuels

Solid fuel use is one of the biggest sources of air pollution in our homes and communities. With roughly 1 in 10 householders in County Cork burning solid fuel as their main source of heating, Cork County Council is reminding householders that only approved fuels should be used when necessary to heat their homes and to always check the labelling on all solid fuel that they buy. 

A barn owl chick.
31 Jan 2024

County Cork Barn Owl Population on the Up After Decades of Decline

BirdWatch Ireland in partnership with Cork County Council and the National Parks and Wildlife Service have completed a survey of Barn Owls in the county, the results of which show that the fortunes of this iconic farmland bird appear to be changing, as Barn Owls were recorded in numbers not seen in the county in the past 50 years.