Proposal to make the County of Cork Road Traffic Special Speed Limits (Regional & Local Roads) Bye-laws (No. 2) 2024
The commencement of the Road Traffic Act 2024 will result in changes to default speed limits on certain categories of Irish roads, commencing with the upcoming change to speed limits on Local Rural Roads, whereby a default speed limit of 60 km per hour will apply to Local Roads nationally, other than local roads in built-up areas and local roads where a special speed limit or a road works speed limit has been applied to that road or part thereof.
In accordance with Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004, as amended, and having regard to the guidelines issued by The Department of Transport, Cork County Council proposes to introduce additional bye-laws.
The purpose of the additional bye-laws will be to retain a limited number of local road routes at 80 km per hour as special speed limits to provide for a more appropriate speed limit on certain local roads.
The draft bye-laws are available for inspection during normal office hours (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) Monday to Friday from Thursday 1st August to Friday 30th August, 2024 (both dates inclusive) at the following Council Offices: -
- County Hall, Cork
- Annabella, Mallow
- Courthouse, Fermoy
- The Lodge, Midleton
- Carrig House, Cobh
- Church Road, Carrigaline
- Railway Place, Bandon
- Courthouse, Skibbereen
- The Square, Bantry
- Town Hall, Macroom
The maps are also available to view in the document summary below.
Any person may submit objections to the draft bye-laws during the period of 30 days commencing on the date of the first publication of this Notice, by email to [email protected] or by post or hand delivery, marked “Cork County Council Road Traffic Speed Limit Bye-Laws” to Staff Officer, Roads Management & Development Unit, Annabella, Mallow, Co. Cork.
Please quote the relevant Item Reference Number(s) in your submission.
The latest day for receipt of objections is Friday 30th August, 2024 at 4pm
Niall Healy
Director of Service
Roads and Transportation
Cork County Council
Togra chun Fodhlíthe Teorainneacha Luais Speisialta (Bóithre Réigiúnacha &Áitiúla) (Uimh. 2) 2024 (Uimh. 2) 2024 a dhéanamh
Mar thoradh ar thosach feidhme an Achta um Thrácht ar Bhóithre, 2024, déanfar athruithe ar theorainneacha luais réamhshocraithe ar chatagóirí áirithe de bhóithre na hÉireann, ag tosú leis an athrú atá le teacht ar theorainneacha luais ar Bhóithre Tuaithe Áitiúla, trína mbeidh feidhm ag luasteorainn réamhshocraithe 60 km san uair maidir le Bóithre Áitiúla go náisiúnta, seachas bóithre áitiúla i limistéir fhoirgnithe agus bóithre áitiúla ina bhfuil luasteorainn speisialta nó luasteorainn oibreacha bóthair curtha i bhfeidhm an bóthar sin nó cuid de.
De réir Alt 9 den Acht um Thrácht ar Bhóithre 2004, arna leasú, agus ag féachaint do na treoirlínte a d'eisigh an Roinn Iompair, tá sé beartaithe ag Comhairle Contae Chorcaí fodhlíthe breise a thabhairt isteach.
Is é cuspóir na bhfodhlíthe breise líon teoranta bealaí bóthair áitiúla a choinneáil ag 80 km san uair mar theorainneacha luais speisialta chun foráil a dhéanamh do luasteorainn níos oiriúnaí ar bhóithre áitiúla áirithe.
Tá na dréacht-fhodhlíthe ar fáil lena n-iniúchadh le linn gnáthuaireanta oifige (9.00 r.n. go 5.00 i.n.) Luan go hAoine ó Déardaoin 1st Lúnasa go hAoine 30th Lúnasa, 2024 (an dá dháta san áireamh) ag na hOifigí Comhairle seo a leanas:
- Halla an Chontae, Corcaigh
- Annabella, Mala
- Teach na Cúirte, Mainistir Fhear Maí
- An Lóiste, Mainistir na Corann
- Teach na Carraige, An Cóbh
- Bóthar an Teampaill, Carraig Uí Leighin
- Plás an Iarnróid, Droichead na Bandan
- Teach na Cúirte, An Sciobairín
- An Chearnóg, Beanntraí
- Halla an Bhaile, Maigh Chromtha
Is féidir na léarscáileanna a fheiceáil freisin san achoimre doiciméad thíos.
Féadfaidh duine ar bith agóidí i gcoinne na ndréacht-fhodhlíthe a chur isteach le linn na tréimhse 30 lá dar tosach dáta chéadfhoilsithe an Fhógra seo, tríríomhphost chuig [email protected] nó tríd an bpost nó trí sheachadadh láimhe, ar a bhfuil "Fodhlíthe Luasteorann Tráchta ar Bhóithre Chomhairle Contae Chorcaí" marcáilte chuig Oifigeach Foirne, An tAonad um Bainistíocht agus Forbairt Bóithre, Annabella, Mala, Co. Chorcaí.
Luaigh an Uimhir Thagartha Míre ábhartha i d'aighneacht. Is é dé hAoine an 30 Lúnasa, 2024 ag 4pm an lá is déanaí chun agóidí a fháil.
Niall Healy
Stiúrthóir Seirbhíse
Bóithre agus Iompar
Comhairle Contae Chorcaí