Temporary Closing of Public Roads


Pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994, notice is hereby given that Cork County Council proposes to temporarily close the following road for the period and reason specified below:

Roads Subject of Proposed Closure

L-3617 (Section 1) Carrigane Road, Midleton, Co. Cork - From the Junction Ballyadam Bridge to Castle Rock Avenue.

L-3617 (Section 2) Carrigane Road, Midleton, Co Cork - From the Junction at Castle Rock Avenue to the Junction of the R623 Lisgoold road.

Period of Proposed Closure 

Section 1- From 06:00hrs on Monday 27th May 2024 to 18.00hrs on Friday 30th August 2024 (24hr Closure).

Section 2 - From 06:00hrs on Friday 30th August 2024 to 18.00hrs on Friday 4th October (24hr Closure).

Reason for Proposed Closure

To facilitate the Installation of Ducting as part of the Celtic Interconnector Project.

Alternative Routes

Section 1 - Eastbound Diverted traffic from Carrigtwohill and Fota Rock will be directed onto the N25.  Continue east on the N25 until directed north onto the L3618 Waterrock Road. Continue north on the L3618 to T- Junction, to meet the L3617 Carrigane Road.

Westbound Diverted traffic from the L3617 Carrigane Road will be directed south onto the L3618 Waterrock Road and on to the N25.  On the N25 heading east traffic will be directed left at Exit 5 (Midleton) and onto the R907-0.  Traffic will be directed south at traffic lights onto the R907-33 to roundabout.  At roundabout take the R907-35 north onto the N25. On the N25 take Exit 4 and on to the L3612 north into Carrigtwohill town.                                                                                                                                         
Secondary Route: Westbound Diverted traffic:  At the Carrigane L3617 road Junction, continue south on the R626 turn west at traffic lights onto the L3822-1 to roundabout. Take the L-3288-1 to traffic lights.  Traffic will be directed to go straight onto the R907-33 to roundabout and take the R907-35 north onto the N25.  On the N25 take exit 4 onto the L3612 north into Carrigtwohill town.

Section 2 - Eastbound Diverted traffic from Carrigtwohill and Fota Rock will be directed onto the N25.  Continue east on the N25 until directed north onto the L3618 Waterrock Road. Continue north on the L3618 to T- Junction, to meet the L3617 Carrigane Road.

Westbound Diverted traffic:  At the Carrigane L3617 road junction, continue south on the R626 turn west at traffic lights onto the L3822-1 to roundabout. Take the L-3288-1 to traffic lights.  Traffic will be directed to go straight onto the R907-33 to roundabout and take the R907-35 north onto the N25.  On the N25 take exit 4 onto the L3612 north into Carrigtwohill town.

Local Access will be maintained throughout the duration of the closure.


Objections to this proposed temporary road closure should be made in writing, to the undersigned, quoting Ref: TRC-44-2024, not later than 5pm on Friday 26th April 2024.  Telephone contact details should be included in the objection.

Director of Services
Roads & Transportation
Cork County Council
The Courthouse
Co Cork
Email: roadclosures@corkcoco.ie