Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2024-2030


This Local Economic and Community Plan seeks to support and promote a vibrant economy where enterprise can thrive through embracing technological advancements and fostering innovation, while being responsible stewards of our environment, and creating socially inclusive communities which are not just sustainable and empowered, but resilient in the face of challenges and where the health and well-being of our citizens is at the forefront.

The population of Cork County has grown more rapidly than that of the state over the past thirty years and Cork County is identified as being one of the fastest growing locations in the State over the next twenty years under the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region. In addition, Cork County is the largest Local Authoirty in terms of geographical area and is the second most populous Local Authority in the state. It is within this context that the ambition of the Cork County Local Economic and Community Plan 2024-2030 is set. 

The LECP is consistent with the Cork County Development Plan and the vision for Cork to be an attractive, competitive and sustainable place to live, visit and do business, where the quality of its economy, natural and built environment, culture and the strength and viability of its rural and urban communities are to the highest standards. 

This Plan has set out a series of High-Level Goals which represent the specific vision that Cork County Council wishes to deliver or achieve either directly or in partnership with its economic and community development stakeholders over the next 6 years. These High-Level Goals include the following:

  • Sustainable, resilient and empowered communities and places
  • A socially inclusive County
  • A healthy and active County 
  • A low carbon and climate resilient County that protects biodiversity and the environment
  • A County that supports enterprise
  • A smart and innovative County.

Each of these High-Level goals is supported by a list of specified objectives and a list of outcomes which summarise what each high-level goal is aiming to achieve.  
The Implementation plan is a multi-agency plan and includes actions by a wide range of stakeholders.  Each action has been assigned a Key Performance Indicator which will enable ongoing monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the implementation of the plan. 

The Cork County LECP has been developed through collaboration between the Executive of Cork County Council, the Elected Members, the Citizens of Cork County, the members of the North, South and West Cork LCDCs, the Economic Development and Enterprise SPC and the LECP Advisory Group which made up of 34 Key stakeholders who represent a wide range of key community and economic stakeholders. Building on this collaborative approach and working together with all stakeholders will be essential for the successful implementation of the Plan over the next six years. 

Cork County Council Adopted our Local Economic and Community Plan 2024-2030 on Monday 11th March 2024.


The development of the Local Economic and Community Plan 2024-2030 will follow a number of stages as explained in the graphic above and text below.

Stage 1: Preparation

Socio-economic Analysis

Socio-economic Statement and High-Level Goals based on Socio- economic Analysis

Preparation by Advisory Group. Sign off by SPC and LCDC

Stage 2: Public Consultation

Public Consultation on High-Level Goals

Revision of Statement based on consultation

Preparation by Advisory Group. Sign off by SPC and LCDC

Stage 3: Develop Objectives and Outcomes

Develop detailed objectives and outcomes

Preparation by Advisory Group. Sign off by SPC and LCDC

Final Draft to MDs and RAs for input

Stage 4: Finalise Plan

SPC and LCDC to adopt final draft reflecting MD and RA input

LA to approve final draft

Submission to Minister and Published by LA

Stage 5: Implementation

Implementation Plans

Consideration of available Resources

Ongoing flexible implementation

Stage 6: Monitoring and Evaluation

Key Performance Indicators to address proposed outcomes

Ongoing data collection including case studies

Implementation report

Current Stage 

Stage Four - Adoption of Plan

Click 'Stage 4' below.