Cork County Council Presents ’Small Things Like These’
A group exhibition including almost 100 small works by 85 artists

Cork County Council’s LHQ Gallery is excited to present a group exhibition titled ‘Small Things Like These’ aptly named after a novel by Claire Keegan, which is set in the mid 80s and looks at the weeks leading up to Christmas capturing the busyness of the season, the family traditions, and the complicit silences of a town.
It’s the first open submission exhibition organised by LHQ Gallery and has garnered significant interest with almost 100 works by 85 artists, craftspeople and designers on display.
Exhibiting artists include Luke Cooney, a 16-year-old transition year student from Co. Meath. Luke’s painting titled ‘The Memory Cabinet’ reflects the idea that fine china holds memory. ‘It’s always there, in my grandparent’s press, through birthdays, celebrations and funerals. Christmas was always a constant at my Nanny’s house, the same time, the same China’.
Sara Baume a writer and artist based in West Cork will exhibit a work titled ‘Sleepover’ which is a replica of flowers her mother gave her. ‘The year after my father died, I visited my mother’s house more often than usual, and every time I did, she would put a vase of flowers for me in the room where I’d slept as a child. At a certain point I started to photograph them, and later, to make a replica of each different flower, as a complementary offering of devotion.”
Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn said,
Many of the works on display are available to purchase, LHQ Gallery takes no commission, and any inquiries can be directed to the artist via the Council’s Arts Office.
The ’Small Things Like These’ exhibition will take place from December 1st to 22nd at LHQ Gallery, Carrigrohane Road, Cork. There will be an opening event on Thursday 30th of November at 6pm, all are welcome.