
Waste Permits & Certificates of Registration

The Waste Permitting Section of Cork County Council is part of the Environment Department and is responsible for the administration and issuing of Waste Facility Permits and Certificates of Registration in Cork County Council's functional area.

The responsibility for the issuing of Waste Collection Permits transferred to the National Waste Collection Permit Office (NWCPO), Offaly County Council on the 1st February 2012.  Further information can be found below,

(Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations, S.I. No. 821 of 2007 as amended).

Under the Waste Management Act, 1996 as amended and the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations, S.I. No. 821 of 2007 as amended , Cork County Council has a responsibility to issue waste permits or certificates of registration to applicants who wish to engage in waste disposal or waste recovery activities at designated sites in County Cork.

In order to accept wastes such as commercial and household recyclables, construction and demolition waste, subsoil, tyres, electrical items, batteries and household wastes etc. at a facility in County Cork, an application must be made for a waste facility permit or certificate of registration to Cork County Council. All other facilities in County Cork which are not regulated by Cork County Council are licensed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

It is an offence to deposit waste in a facility that does not have a Waste Permit/Certificate of Registration or a Waste Licence.

Please ensure that the waste facility owner / manager/ operator holds a current waste facility permit, certificate of registration or waste licence prior to using a facility to deposit or recover or recycle waste.

Local Authority Waste Facility Register

The Local Authority Waste Facilities Register is a central register hosted by the National Waste Collection Permit Office (NWCPO) of all waste facility permits and certificates of registration granted, reviewed, revoked and expired. 

All applications for a Waste Facility Permit/Certificate of Registration must be made on the official application form, and sent to Cork County Council, Environment Section, Inniscarra, Co. Cork.

To access application forms including guidance notes pertaining to Waste Facility Permits and Certificates of Registrations (ie for a Waste Facility Permit/ Certificate of Registration application form, a surrender application form or a transfer application form) please visit the following link

To make a request under Article 11 of the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations, S.I. No. 821 of 2007 as amended  to the Environmental Protection Agency for determination as to whether an activity requires a waste licence, waste facility permit, certificate of registration or none of these please visit the following link: Article 11.

Further details on waste facility permits or certificates of registration can be obtained by contacting the Environment Directorate at email: facilitypermit@corkcoco.ie

Pre-Application Meetings

It is recommended that pre-application consultations or discussions with Cork County Council are undertaken before a formal submission of an application is made to the Council.

A Pre-Application meeting can be arranged by contacting the Environment Directorate at  email: facilitypermit@corkcoco.ie

Certificate of Registration - Sewage Sludge

Waste Management (Registration of Sewage Sludge Facility) Regulations, 2010

These Regulations provide for the registration and regulation of sewage sludge facilities in order to meet the requirements of the Waste Framework Directive.  Facilities already regulated under other environmental legislation such as licensed facilities under the Waste Management Acts are excluded.

To access application form pertaining to Sewage Sludge Facilities please visit the following link;

If you need to contact Cork County Council, Environment Section, concerning your application or any queries you may have in relation to the Regulations or the application form please contact the following:

Environment Directorate, Cork County Council, Inniscarra, Co. Cork.

Fax: 021 4532727
Email: facilitypermit@corkcoco.ie

Waste Collection Permits

Under the Waste Management (Collection Permit) Regulations, 2007 as amended, those intending to carry out waste collection activities in Cork County Council's Functional area must apply for a waste collection permit. This requirement applies to individuals, companies and partnerships.

From 1st February, 2012, all new waste collection permit applications and applications for the review of waste collection permits are being processed by the National Waste Collection Permit Office (NWCPO), Offaly County Council, Aras an Chontae, Charleville Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly Tel: (057) 935 7428.

You can find more information on the National Waste Collection Permit Office Home (nwcpo.ie) website.

Current information relating to Waste Collection Permit Holders operating in this Region is available on the following link National Waste Collection Permit Office - Search Permits (nwcpo.ie).

Notices of Waste Collection Permit Applications

The 2016 waste collection permit regulations made provision for the NWCPO to publish notices of waste collection permit applications on its website as an alternative to a newspaper notice.

These notices are available on the National Waste Collection Permit Office - Search Permits (nwcpo.ie) webpage.